Conference Waiver
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Aspen Grove
Family Camp
Youth Conference
About Us
Conference Waiver
Conference Group
Cell Phone
For use in camp
Email Address
In consideration for being permitted by the Alumni Association/Brigham Young University to participate, and as an inducement to permit my group to participate in the programs and activities of Aspen Grove Family Camp, I, the undersigned, recognizing the hazards and dangers inherent in said activity(s) and /or transportation to and from said activity(s), and already knowing or having been advised of said dangers and fully acknowledging the risk of injury or death inherent therein, whether by my own actions, the actions of others, or events beyond my control, do hereby agree to assume, and do knowingly and voluntarily assume, full responsibility for all the risks surrounding my group's/family's participation in said activity(s) and any other activity(s) undertaken; and, furthermore, for myself, my heirs, and personal representative(s), I hereby fully release, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue Brigham Young University, its affiliated entities, and all its their officers, employees, and agents, without any limitation or qualification, as to any and all liabilities, claims, demands, and actions that might be made by me or my group/family on account of any losses, expenses, or damages of any kind concerning property or personal injuries (physical or emotional) or death that may result, directly or indirectly, from my group's/family's participation in the aforesaid activity(s), unless any such damage or injury is primarily the direct result of a negligent act or omission by Brigham Young University or any of its officers, employees, or lawful agents and not caused in part by my own group's/family's negligence. Furthermore, I, the undersigned, certify that I am aware of and will at all times comply with all state and local public health requirements related to the COVID-19 virus in effect during our stay, including those related to the number of persons allowed in a social gathering of individuals from separate households, the wearing of masks, physical distancing, and any other such requirements. I understand that these state and local public health requirements may change day to day and that it is my responsibility to ensure that my group complies with them.
Electronic Signature
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