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Additional Information

Image of kid dressed up as Batman

The Main Office

The main office is located on the first floor of the Aspen Lodge. The office is open from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Friday to assist you with any questions or problems.

Camp Store

The Aspen Grove store, located on the third floor of Aspen Lodge, has a limited stock of general merchandise, personal care items, BYU Creamery ice cream, BYU Mint brownies, treats for the kids, and Aspen Grove clothing and memorabilia. Staff members will be available in the store to assist you until 10:00 p.m. most evenings.

A variety of board games are available for checkout from the store. Although the board game check-out window is available on Sunday, the store is closed.

Lost and Found

If you've misplaced something, check the lost and found box in the camp store. If you find an item someone else misplaced, please bring the found items to the store.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

If your birthday or anniversary falls during your stay at camp, please visit the Aspen Grove Office so we can help you celebrate. Upon request, we will sing you a hearty rendition of the "Aspen Grove Birthday Song."


Most summer weather at Aspen Grove is dry and pleasant. The days are usually warm, while the evenings are typically cool, and often require a sweater or light jacket.

Due to the high elevation, you may sunburn easily. Please remember to bring sunscreen because sunburns often occur more quickly than you may realize. If you forget, sunscreen is sold in the Aspen Grove store. We have virtually no mosquitoes at Aspen Grove.

We have occasional thunderstorms and rainy days. Some summers are even visited by midseason snowstorms, though this is not common. Umbrellas and ponchos come in handy at times. Please check the specific forecast for your stay before arrival.

Phones & Internet

The office phone number is (801) 422-6000. Cell phone reception is generally available outside. Verizon Wireless customers tend to have the best reception.

Wireless internet is available throughout most of camp. Wi-Fi password is provided at check-in.

Laundry Facilities

Washers and dryers are available in the lofts of the Family Lodges, on the third and fourth floors of the Aspen Lodge, and in the Beckham Lodge at the east end of the first floor. You may purchase laundry soap in the camp store. Laundry machines are available to use at no cost.


You will find bedding, towels, washcloths, and basic toiletries (shampoo, hand soap, tissues, and makeup remover wipes) in your room. If your family has requested a crib, please note that we provide a fitted sheet, but no additional bedding for cribs.

Staff Tipping Policy

Tipping of individual staff members is not expected. Many staff members are working behind the scenes to make your family's stay enjoyable and successful. If you wish to show appreciation, it is preferred that you leave a general staff gratuity in the Aspen Grove office.


Lockers are located on the north end of the pool house and inside the dressing rooms. One locker per family is available for checkout at the office.