Guest Passes Skip to main content

Guest Passes

Image of ladies standing in a pool

Guest Passes

If you are registered for Family Camp, we are happy to offer you the opportunity to host a few friends and family members who would like to join you for short periods of time on a space-available basis.

During a full week of camp, guests are limited to two days or six shifts of camp meals and activities. Mini weeks have a one-day or three shift, limit.

To purchase guest passes, please check with our on-site store during check-in, or at least 24 hours before the guest's arrival. We have a limited number of guest passes available each day, and availability cannot be guaranteed in advance. Guest passes are available for purchase in person starting at check-in.

When your guests arrive, they must check in at the camp office, sign a waiver, and receive their wristbands. Guests arriving on Sundays must check in at the store game window to sign a waiver and receive their wristbands.

Infants two and younger eat free. No nursery is provided for infants attending with guest passes.

2024 Guest Pass FeesAdults / TeensChildren 3-12
One-Shift Pass
Includes one meal and half-day activities.
Two-Shift Pass
Includes two meals and full-day activities.
Three-Shift Pass
Includes three meals and full-day activities.
Lodging Per Night
Guest sleeping in host's cabin.
Guests attending during a full week are limited to two days or six shifts of camp meals and activities. Mini weeks have a one day or three-shift limit.