Safety & Emergency Procedures

Health and Wellness
In order to help prevent the spread of sickness at Aspen Grove, we encourage individuals to refrain from attending age group activities or campwide programs for at least 24 hours after the last sign of any of the following possibly contagious symptoms:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- fever
- nausea*
- frequent cough
- excessive runny nose
- constant sore throat
- contagious pink eye
*Nausea is sometimes an indicator of contagious sickness, but may also be attributed to other causes such as car sickness, separation anxiety for younger children, or mountain/altitude sickness (change in elevation). Mountain/altitude sickness may occur during travel to higher elevations. Treatment for mountain sickness can be as simple as descending to a lower altitude (as little as 1500 feet) for a couple of hours, and by drinking plenty of fluids. Drinking fluids while traveling to higher altitudes helps prevent mountain sickness. It is recommended that nausea is watched closely for a few hours to determine if it might be the result of other sickness.
Please share the following ways to prevent infectious illness with each family member:
- Wash your hands frequently throughout the day for 20 seconds with soap and hot water. Don't forget to wash front and back of your hands, and between the fingers, especially before meals.
- Avoid touching the mouth, nose and eye areas, and the faces of other campers.
- Avoid using shared towels, utensils, and toddler toys.
- Avoid changing diapers on carpeted areas, bedding, and in areas associated with food preparation or personal grooming such as counters and tables.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow.
- Maintain proper nutrition and hydration, and be sure to get plenty of rest.
- Please notify a member of our staff if messes from sickness occur. They will ensure the mess is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Further, they will help remove and bag soiled towels and bedding. You are encouraged to limit the number of people exposed to a sick family member.
First Aid
Our first aid station is located on the first floor of the Aspen Lodge. It is equipped to handle scratches, bruises, cuts, and other minor injuries. In the event of more serious injuries, we encourage guests to seek medical care at the nearest hospital, Timpanogos Regional Medical Center in Orem, 750 West 800 North. Other facilities are available throughout Provo and Orem.
You may wish to bring your insurance information since these accidents would be covered under your insurance policy.
In Case of Fire
In the event of a fire, the following procedures should be followed:
- Please alert all occupants in the facility, vacate the premises, and notify a staff member.
- A staff member will sound the alarm. The fire emergency signal is a continuous pull stroke of the bell.
When the alarm sounds, all campers and guests should meet in the Emerald Dining Hall. In the event of a fire, program counselors are trained to take their groups to this area while your children are under their protection.
Emergency Bell Signal
The bell outside the Dining Hall rings to signal meals and campwide events. A continuous pull stroke of the bell is an emergency signal.
Please do not panic if this emergency signal should sound. This is a signal for all staff members and guests to go to the Emerald Dining Hall as soon as possible.