Guidelines & Policies Skip to main content

Guidelines & Policies

Image of aspen trees in the Fall

The following general policies for our guests are listed here to assist you in planning and preparing for your visit to Aspen Grove. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

General Policies:

We ask all guests to abide by the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This includes high standards of moral character, honesty, respect for personal and property rights, obeying the law, dietary laws of abstaining from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee, drug abuse, living the law of chastity, and high standards of taste and decency.

Management reserves the right to evict any guest for unacceptable behavior or destructions of property. In addition, BYU policy prohibits recruiting of individuals, promotion of a particular business, or any public advertising for programs held at Aspen Grove.

Management is not responsible for lost or damaged articles on campgrounds or in rooms. Pets are NOT allowed in camp.


All guests are encouraged to dress modestly, in accordance with the dress standards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Clothing should be modest and appropriate in fabric, fit and style. Shorts and skirts should be knee-length or longer. Please leave any sleeveless, strapless, backless, revealing, or form fitting clothing at home. Shirts and tops must be long enough to cover the stomach and lower back, especially when bending over, sitting, or raising one's hand or arm. Shoes should be worn in all public areas.


The Alumni Association/Brigham Young University assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or other injury to persons or property in connection with your group's participation in Aspen Grove programs and activities. The presence of your group in camp and/or participation in camp activities indicates a knowledge of, and an assumption of, the resulting risks involved. All participants are, therefore, urged to be sure that they are in satisfactory physical condition to perform the camp activities to be engaged in by them and to secure appropriate medical and personal injury and property damage insurance coverage prior to their arrival at camp.


Visiting groups and/or families are responsible for notifying all participants that advance requests must be made for provision of assistance for individuals with disabilities. Aspen Grove will only provide services that are already available, or may be reasonably adapted. The group must provide any service which would allow the guest full participation in the programs offered (i.e. signers, assisted listening devices. etc.). Please notify our office, in writing, of any disability that requires reasonable accommodations, such as hearing, visual or mobility impairment, chronic illness, a life-threatening communicable disease, or a nervous, emotional, mental, learning or other disability.

Responsibilities and Insurance:

The nature of a high mountain camp environment presents some inherent risks including bad weather, hazardous terrain, and some potentially high-risk activities. We suggest you carefully supervise your children at all times and use caution and common sense as you hike, fish, and use Aspen Grove facilities.

By participating in Aspen Grove programs and activities, you assume all risk of any loss or injury. If you have health conditions that may affect your ability to participate in programs and activities, we suggest you seek your doctor's advice before attending camp. You are also urged to procure appropriate medical and personal injury and property damage insurance coverage prior to your arrival in camp.

The ropes course is one of our most popular activities. Because of its height, those participating must wear provided safety helmets, follow posted rules, and have their harness securely attached to the cables. Our trained ropes course staff must be present at any ropes course activity.

First Aid:

Our first aid station is located on the first floor of the Aspen Lodge. It is equipped to handle scratches, bruises, cuts, and other minor injuries. In the event of more serious injuries, we encourage transportation to Timpanogos Regional Medical Center in Orem, 750 West 800 North. You may wish to bring your insurance information, since these accidents would be covered under your own insurance policy.