Camp Offered Activities
Aspen Grove offers two activities for each group that participates in our youth conference program. Activities may include high adventure ropes course, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or outdoor sports courts. The provided activities for each session will be determined by Aspen Grove. Activity assignments will be sent to each group one week prior to your scheduled session. Aspen Grove reserves the right to change the scheduled activities due to weather conditions, staffing, or other reasons.
Each group in a youth conference session will receive a scheduled activity time for one of these activities. The other activity will be open access on a first come first serve basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the same day. Only groups arriving before 3:30pm will be able to participate in the open access activity.
Participants should plan to dress for each activity based on seasonal weather conditions. During winter months, we would recommend winter boots, jacket, hat, and gloves.
You may also plan to go sledding while in camp. Your ward/stake will need to provide sleds. Snowboards & tubes are not permitted at Aspen Grove.
Please note the availability of snow activities depends upon the snow level. The Aspen Grove manager on duty during your Youth Conference will make judgment calls pertaining to the availability or safety of certain activities.
More Activity Ideas
Combined Dance with Other Groups
Aspen Grove will provide space for a dance, available for setup after 7:30 p.m. The space is offered for a dance from 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. You will be responsible for coordinating with other wards/stakes, and also for providing a DJ and sound equipment for your dance. If fog is used, it must be water-based, and any decorations must be hung with white sticky tack.
We will provide names and email addresses of other groups at the Information Meeting to facilitate coordination for the dance. If you miss the meeting, this information will be emailed to you.
Workshop Ideas
You are responsible for planning your own workshops and recruiting your own speakers. Remember that you are working in a single meeting space. You will find there are many talented teachers in your ward or stake. We have found youth tend to be most engaged in morning workshops. We also suggest holding no more than three consecutive sessions.
Service Projects
Youth Conference is a great time to hold a service project. Aspen Grove cannot provide a service project for your ward, but we do have some ideas for you on our website. We also recommend using the church's Humanitarian Website: